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Expectations and Aspirations : A New Framework for Education in the Middle East and North Africa.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1464812357 Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Education, which has been at the heart of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region's history and civilizations for centuries, has a large untapped potential to contribute to human capital, well-being, and wealth. The region has invested heavily in education for decades, but it has not been able to reap the benefits of its investments. Despite a series of reforms, MENA has remained stuck in a low-learning, low-skills level.Expectations and Aspirations: A New Framework for Education in the Middle East and North Africa identifies four key sets of tensions that are holding back education in the region: credentials and skills, discipline and inquiry, control and autonomy, and tradition and modernity. These tensions are shaped by society and are reflected in classrooms. If they are not addressed, MENA will continue to operate at a level below its potential. This report outlines a new framework with a three-pronged approach that can help address these tensions and unleash the potential of education in MENA: --A concerted push for learning that starts early for all children regardless of background, with qualified and motivated educators, and that leverages technology, uses modern approaches, and monitors learning outcomes --A stronger pull for skills by all stakeholders in the labor market and society that involves coordinated multisystem reforms within and beyond the education system --A new pact for education at the national level with a unified vision, shared responsibilities, and accountabilities. Education is not just the responsibility of the education system-it is everyone's business.The push, pull, and pact framework offers an opportunity for MENA to move forward to reclaim its heritage of a learned region and to meet the expectations and aspirations of its people. The current situation in MENA requires a renewed focus on education, not just as a national priority for economic growth and social development, but as a national emergency for stability, peace, and prosperity.

Un système d'enseignement en voie de démocratisation
ISBN: 1412353432 Year: 2006 Publisher: Chicoutimi : J.-M. Tremblay,

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Combat zone
ISBN: 1641133511 9781641133517 9781641133500 1641133503 9781641133494 Year: 2018 Publisher: Charlotte, NC

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"This book treats this war as part of an extensive social movement that is conducting wars also against government and science, as well as against women, immigrants, the poor (but not against poverty), and, certainly, against unions. However, the book focuses on the war against the public schools. It sets the stage in Chapter One, Checklist for Destroying Public Education, followed by Chapter Two, How the War Plays Out on the Battlefield - Seven Examples that illustrate and prove the thesis. One example involves a private for-profit company that took over a school district in Michigan, but found that they couldn't make a profit running the high school. So what did they do? They simply closed it, leaving the students high and dry. We provide a chapter analyzing the considerable profits being made by entrepreneurs, businessmen, politicians, testing companies and charter schools. We then describe and analyze the overt and covert attacks on our kids, on teachers and on public schools, such as the clever idea of grading schools A, B, C, D, or F, thereby undermining public confidence in their local schools. We focus on the arsenal of weapons aimed at the public schools, such as privatization, intrusion of politicians into educational decision-making, vouchers, using merit pay and Value-Added Models (VAMs) to evaluate teachers, charter schools, extremely intensive testing, the standards movement, etc. We look at unintended consequences and conclude with attempts at peaceful resolutions and developing reconciliation strategies"--

Translanguaging for Equal Opportunities
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110769603 3110769514 Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton,

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This multi-authored monograph offers a state-of-the-art analysis of how translanguaging supports bilingual Roma students' learning in monolingual school systems. Co-written by academic and non-academic participants, it is an essential reading for researchers, pre- and in-service teachers of Romani-speaking students and experts working with students whose home languages are different from the teachers' and the school curricula.

Closing the opportunity gap : what America must do to give every child an even chance
Authors: ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press,

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'Closing the Opportunity Gap' brings together top experts who offer evidence-based essays that paint a powerful and shocking picture of denied opportunities. They also describe sensible, research-based policy approaches that will enhance opportunities. They highlight the discrepancies that exist in US society and in its public schools, focusing on how policy decisions and broader circumstances conspire to create the opportunity gap that leads inexorably to the outcome differences that have become so stark.--From publisher description.

The Culture Trap : Ethnic Expectations and Unequal Schooling for Black Youth
ISBN: 0197531504 0197531482 Year: 2023 Publisher: New York, NY : Oxford University Press USA,

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"In The Culture Trap, Derron Wallace argues that the overreliance on culture to explain Black students' achievement and behavior in schools is a trap that undermines the historical factors and institutional processes that shape how Black students experience schooling. This trap is consequential for a host of racial and ethnic minority youth in schools, including Black Caribbean young people in London and New York City. Since the 1920s, Black Caribbeans in New York have been considered a high-achieving Black model minority. Conversely, since the 1950s, Black Caribbeans in London have been regarded as a chronically underachieving minority. In both contexts, however, it is often suggested that Caribbean culture informs their status, whether as a celebrated minority in the US or as a demoted minority in Britain. Drawing on rich ethnographic observations, as well as interview and archival data from two of the largest public schools in London and New York City, Wallace interrogates the fault lines of these claims, and highlights the influence of colonialism, class, and context in shaping Black Caribbeans' educational experiences. As racial and ethnic achievement gaps and discussions about what to do about them persist in the US and Britain, Wallace shows how culture is at times used as an alibi for racism in schools, and points out what educators, parents, and students can do to change it.-- Provided by publisher.

Towards inclusion and equality in education? : From assumptions to facts
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782909064758 2909064751 Year: 2006 Publisher: [Lyon]: Handicap International,

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School, work and equality : a reader
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780340490006 0340490004 Year: 1989 Publisher: London: Hodder and Stoughton,

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Inégalités et enseignement supérieur : Entre politiques publiques et développement du secteur privé en Argentine
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris Cedex 12 (5, rue Roland Barthes 75598) : Agence française de développement,

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En Argentine depuis la fin des années 80, le nombre d'institutions d'enseignement supérieur privées (IESP) n'a cessé d'augmenter. Une concurrence importante pour attirer les étudiants s'est mise en place entre les institutions de gestion publique et privée. Le présent papier de recherche ESPI-Argentine fait l'état de la consolidation du secteur privé dans le secteur éducatif, à travers l'analyse des différents éléments formels de la construction socio-historique du secteur pendant le XXe siècle (lois, réformes, mouvements politiques comme les dictatures). Dans la perspective de mettre au jour les orientations, le fonctionnement et l'organisation du secteur privé d'enseignement supérieur, la construction d'un échantillon représentatif d'Institutions d'enseignement supérieur privé nous conduit à définir une typologie (cluster) de trois groupes d'institutions avec des caractéristiques homogènes à l'intérieur de chacun des groupes et des caractéristiques hétérogènes entre les groupes (niveaux de formation, disciplines, reconnaissance officiel, taille, etc.).En parallèle, cette contribution cherche à déterminer le poids d'une variable déterminante : les inégalités, à travers des analyses quantitatives des profils des catégories socio professionnelles des parents, de la distribution spatiale des IESP dans la capitale Buenos Aires, de l'analyse de genre et des niveaux éducatifs des parents des étudiants inscrits dans le privé. Les monographies réalisées dans six IESP grâce à des entretiens semi-directifs avec des étudiants, des directeurs et des enseignants des institutions privées, apportent des éléments complémentaires aux résultats tirés de l'analyse quantitative. Combinés, les deux ensembles d'éléments font ressortir l'attraction accrue du secteur privé d'enseignement supérieur (non lucratif et reconnu pour sa qualité), mais aussi son impact dans l'accentuation des inégalités ; ses institutions, en effet, dont l'accès est privilégié pour les classes supérieures et moyennes, surdéterminent pour ainsi dire les variables discriminantes entre classes sociales (éducation et niveau socio-économique des parents d'étudiants avant tout).

L'école qui classe : 530 élèves du primaire au bac
Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris cedex 14 (Humensis 170 bis, boulevard du Montparnasse 75680) : Presses Universitaires de France,

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Plutôt que de réduire les inégalités face à l'école, les politiques de démocratisation scolaire des années 1980 et 1990 les ont repoussées, tout en permettant à l'institution scolaire de prendre de plus en plus de place dans la vie des individus. Cet ouvrage saisit la façon dont se déroulent, concrètement, les trajectoires scolaires des élèves entrés au collège dans les années 2000. En ana­lysant les parcours scolaires de plus de cinq cents d'entre eux suivis depuis leur entrée en primaire jusqu'à leur éventuel accès au baccalauréat, il montre comment se construisent, pas à pas, les inégalités scolaires, mais aussi comment l'institution scolaire parvient à marquer tous les individus qui la fréquentent. L'échec et les ruptures se produisant de plus en plus à l'intérieur même du système, les jugements scolaires n'en sont que mieux intériorisés. Attentive à la fois aux politiques des établissements scolaires, aux pratiques pédagogiques et catégories de pensée des enseignants, aux pratiques éducatives des familles et aux dispositions sociales des élèves, cette enquête permet de comprendre les inégalités scolaires en train de se faire et leurs conséquences pour les plus démunis.

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